
Molla Amsalu Tadesse73566*, Desta Oli Waktasu73560, Agmuas Asichale Almaw73561, Fetene Seyoum Kebede73562, Mengesha Dessie Allene73563, Emebet Seyuoum Wondmu73564 and Melaku Bantie Fetene73565

Background: The number of elderly requiring surgery is increasing due to the aging of the population worldwide, including Ethiopia. These patients are at increased risk of adverse perioperative events. Guidelines have been developed to reduce the incidence of adverse perioperative events in geriatric patients. To determine the level of adherence of Ethiopian anesthetist towards the recommended practices for perioperative anesthesia care in elderly patients in 2024.

Methods: An online national survey was conducted from March 10, 2024 to May 24, 2024.

Results: 440 anesthetists completed the survey, resulting in a response rate of 23%. Most study participants (95.5%) had provided perioperative care to geriatric patients in the last 12 months. Approximately 40.4% of the respondents 95% CI (35.9%, 45.1%) use multimodal analgesia in at least 90% of geriatric patients. Only 11.6% of participants 95% CI (8.9%, 14.9%) provided preoperative information about postoperative cognitive changes in at least 90% of the time. Majority of respondents (≥ 55%) used different preoperative geriatric screening tools or preoperative geriatric consultation in less than 10% of the time. The majority of respondents (38.2%) recommended the development of practice guidelines.

Conclusion: Most participants provided perioperative care to geriatric patients, but their adherence to most items of the perioperative recommendations for geriatric patients is less than 50% across. Most respondents recommend the development of national guidelines for the perioperative care of geriatric patients. We recommend that the Ethiopian association of anesthetist had to provide targeted training and establish clear protocols and guidelines towards perioperative care of geriatric patients.

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