An Observational Study Of Coronavirus (Covid-19) In Iraqi Patients At Al-Shifa Medical Center In Baghdad's Capital, Al-Rusafa


Saad Abdul Kareem Mohammed, Suha Hussein Ahmed, Ali I. Omran Al- Saadawi, Mohammed Mahmood Mohammed

Objective: To evaluate the incidence of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Iraq, at Al-Shifa Medical Center- Medical City, Baghdad.
Methods: This is a retrospective analysis that was performed for the period from 1 March to 30 April 2020. A handy random sample of 54 patients, comprising 40 males and 14 females, was taken from Al-Shifa Medical Center-Medical City, Bagdad. In different locations in the city of Baghdad and outside the capital. Their ages ranged from 20 to 74 years.
Results: The prevalence of CONVID-19 with positive real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT PCR) results was (87.04 per cent) negative (12.96 per cent) relative to the signs/symptoms of the disease recorded in the study (64.81 per cent). The highest proportion of male patients was between 42 and 52 years of age and hospitalization intervals were high-frequency (25, 46.3 per cent) for days (5-9) with (74.07 per cent) no need for a respiratory care unit and, overall, the frequency of death was 27.78 per cent and the rate of cure was 72.22 per cent.
Conclusion: In this observational study, the prevalence of CONVID-19 was higher in the mean age of 46.69 years, males had a higher incidence rate of disease than females and, overall, a viral outbreak in Baghdad-Al-Rusafa was high frequency relative to Baghdad-Alkarkh and outside the capital as well, with a death-to-cure ratio was (0.38).

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