An Overview: Inquiry Based Science Learning Models in Empowering Creative Thinking Skills High School Student
Ahmad Khoiri, Akhmad Sobarna, Sarwani, Ade Onny Siagian, Reni Yesi S, Kusworo, Surasni, Fika Rahmanita, Gunartin, Syafaatul Hidayati, Agus Purwanto, Wahyu Nurul Faroh, Mahnun Mas'adi, Denok Sunarsi, Arga Teriyan
Creative thinking skills are low due to media, non-specific learning models, learning activities are limited to the inability to accommodate creative thinking. The model offered is a Science-based inquiry model. The aim is to analyze the level of the syntactic Wenning (LoI) of the same, the potential for Investigative Learning in empowering creative thinking skills through study of literature. Its method with descriptive qualitative inductive pattern analysis techniques. Based on an analysis of 67 articles from 2007-2020, that Inquiry Learning empowers creative thinking skills, science learning activities in joint scientific work in each syntax becomes an important argument in the development of inquiry learning models. The importance of confrontation issues is to explore students' ideas from unusual things before observational activities can be met, collect data and verify on smoothness, flexibility, elaboration and redefinition abilities; collect data for testing hypotheses about originality and flexibility; organize and formulate explanations for the smoothness, flexibility, elaboration and analysis of the investigation process regarding elaboration. Implementation of Inquiry Learning has the potential to explore original ideas through problems, although not yet an indicator of creative thought that can be accommodated, the offer to change the syntax of Inquiry studies at the stage of confrontation is very important.