An Overview on Preparation and Therapeutic Evaluation of Polyherbal Mouthwashes


Mokate Rajesh62377*, Kharad Devidas62378, Badadhe Sandeep62380, Purnale Varsha62381, Sakhare Nikita62382 and Pawar Tanuja62383

The oral cavity is the home of various bacterial species. All through some of the oral bacteria are harmless and there are certain species that are harmful which may cause oral plaque, bad breath and mouth disease. Thus maintain a good oral hygiene is essential for healthy mouth and body. Herbal product help to control dental plaque, inhibit growth of bacteria, freshens breath, cleanse tooth. Herbal mouthwashes can be used as an adjunct to various oral hygiene practices like tooth brushing, flossing. They have effective anti-inflammatory, anti-plaque properties and hence can be used in supportive periodontal therapy. Various herbal products and their extract such as neem, turmeric, clove, and peppermint have shown significant advantages over chemical ones. Medicinal plants play a vital role in curing disease due to their anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-fungal activity against human pathogen through decades. Natural mouthwashes may offer significant advantages over chemical ones. If such formulation can be formulated using natural product by which it can be easily prepared and used safely by people at home. The present study aimed to formulate polyherbal mouthwashes that have antibacterial properties. Mouthwash can really help improve your oral health. It can help to freshen your breath, remove plaque and reduce your risk of cavities and gum disease. For help deciding whether to use mouthwash before or after brushing, talk to the dentist.

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