Application Of Self Efficacy Model To Improvement Of Self Care, Self Esteem And Self Efficacy In Patients With HIV AIDS At Community Health Centers In The Mimika District, 2020


Jems KR Maay, Blestina Maryorita.

Background: In Indonesia alone, it is reported that the number of people living with HIV-AIDS continues to increase every year. In the field of infectious disease prevention and control, the Ministry of Health noted that the highest number of HIV sufferers was DKI Jakarta with 48,502 people, followed by East Java with 35,168 people, Papua 27,052 people, West Java with 26,066 people, Central Java 19,272 people, and Bali 15,873 people. in Indonesia, there are those of the productive age, between the ages of 20-39 years who are high. According to (Bandura, 1986), (Brown SP et al goals, and produce something. Schultz (1994) defines self-efficacy as our feelings towards our adequacy, efficiency, and ability to cope with life. Distribution of Respondents based on Characteristics (Age and Occupation) in the case and control groups in the work area of Community Health Centers Sentani, Jayapura Regency in 2020.
Purpose: Does this study aim to determine the effectiveness of the application of the self-efficacy model on the fulfillment of self-care in HIV AIDS patients at the Timika Health Center.
Methods: This type of research uses quasi-experimental research. Where in this study the treatment was carried out on the research subject. The treatment of the research subjects was the application of the self-efficacy model to the research subjects but no control was done. The study population was all HIV AIDS patients who came for treatment at the Timika Health Center in 2020. The place of this research will be carried out at the Timika Community Health Center, namely Jiliale Health Center, Timika Health Center, and Wania Community Health Center.
Results: The effect of implementing the self-efficacy model on self-care for HIV / AIDS patients at the Jiliale Center, Mimika Regency in 2020, has increased between before and after the intervention. The results of the analysis using paired sample t-test obtained p-value 0.000 <α = 0.05. There was a significant difference in the self-care aspects of HIV / AIDS patients after the implementation of the self-efficacy model (p = 0.000) with a different strength of 83.5%. The effect of applying the self-efficacy model to self-esteem in HIV / AIDS patients at the Jiliale Center, Mimika Regency in 2020, shows that there is an increase in the average self-esteem value of HIV AIDS patients between before and after the intervention. The results of the analysis using paired sample t-test obtained p-value 0.000 <α = 0.05. There is a significant difference in the self-efficacy of patients with HIV / AIDS after implementing the self-efficacy model (p = 0.000) with a difference of 34.3%. The effect of applying the self-efficacy model on the self-efficacy of HIV / AIDS patients at the Jiliale Public Health Center, Mimika Regency has an average value. -The average self-efficacy of HIV / AIDS patients has increased between before and after the intervention. The results of the analysis using paired sample t-test obtained p-value 0.000 <α = 0.05. There was a significant difference in the self-efficacy of HIV / AIDS patients after the application of the self-efficacy model (p = 0.000). with a different strength of 46.5%
Conclusion: Based on the results obtained in this study, it can be concluded that the application of the self-efficacy model affects improving self-care for HIV / AIDS patients at the Jiliale Center, Mimika Regency. The application of the self-efficacy model aims to influence the patient's cognitive, thus someone who has a high level of self-efficacy will have a strong impetus in fulfilling self-care needs.
The application of the self-efficacy model affects the self-esteem of HIV / AIDS patients at the Jiliale Center, Mimika Regency. There is a tendency that the higher the level of patient self-efficacy causes an increase in awareness of his existence. Indirectly will affect increasing patient self-esteem. The application of the self-efficacy model affects the self-efficacy of HIV /

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Pubmed Style

Jems KR Maay, Blestina Maryorita. Application Of Self Efficacy Model To Improvement Of Self Care, Self Esteem And Self Efficacy In Patients With HIV AIDS At Community Health Centers In The Mimika District, 2020. SRP. 2020; 11(10): 965-969.

Web Style

Jems KR Maay, Blestina Maryorita. Application Of Self Efficacy Model To Improvement Of Self Care, Self Esteem And Self Efficacy In Patients With HIV AIDS At Community Health Centers In The Mimika District, 2020. [Access: March 29, 2021]. doi:10.31838/srp.2020.10.145

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Jems KR Maay, Blestina Maryorita. Application Of Self Efficacy Model To Improvement Of Self Care, Self Esteem And Self Efficacy In Patients With HIV AIDS At Community Health Centers In The Mimika District, 2020. SRP. 2020; 11(10): 965-969. doi:10.31838/srp.2020.10.145

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Jems KR Maay, Blestina Maryorita. Application Of Self Efficacy Model To Improvement Of Self Care, Self Esteem And Self Efficacy In Patients With HIV AIDS At Community Health Centers In The Mimika District, 2020. SRP. (2020), [cited March 29, 2021]; 11(10): 965-969. doi:10.31838/srp.2020.10.145

Harvard Style

Jems KR Maay, Blestina Maryorita (2020) Application Of Self Efficacy Model To Improvement Of Self Care, Self Esteem And Self Efficacy In Patients With HIV AIDS At Community Health Centers In The Mimika District, 2020. SRP, 11 (10), 965-969. doi:10.31838/srp.2020.10.145

Turabian Style

Jems KR Maay, Blestina Maryorita. 2020. Application Of Self Efficacy Model To Improvement Of Self Care, Self Esteem And Self Efficacy In Patients With HIV AIDS At Community Health Centers In The Mimika District, 2020. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (10), 965-969. doi:10.31838/srp.2020.10.145

Chicago Style

Jems KR Maay, Blestina Maryorita. "Application Of Self Efficacy Model To Improvement Of Self Care, Self Esteem And Self Efficacy In Patients With HIV AIDS At Community Health Centers In The Mimika District, 2020." Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (2020), 965-969. doi:10.31838/srp.2020.10.145

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Jems KR Maay, Blestina Maryorita. "Application Of Self Efficacy Model To Improvement Of Self Care, Self Esteem And Self Efficacy In Patients With HIV AIDS At Community Health Centers In The Mimika District, 2020." Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11.10 (2020), 965-969. Print. doi:10.31838/srp.2020.10.145

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Jems KR Maay, Blestina Maryorita (2020) Application Of Self Efficacy Model To Improvement Of Self Care, Self Esteem And Self Efficacy In Patients With HIV AIDS At Community Health Centers In The Mimika District, 2020. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (10), 965-969. doi:10.31838/srp.2020.10.145

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