Assessment of Possibility of Integration of Experience of Leading Countries 0f The World in Training of Public Administration Specialists
Lyudmila Kotliar, Oleksandr Akimov, Orest Krasivsky& 1091;, Vasyl Shykerynets, Ilona Kurovska, Alla Hrusheva.
The research carried out in the article shows the foreign experience of training public administration specialists, and also examines the system of training public administration and management specialists abroad.
It was determined that in the countries of the European Union, Japan and other developed countries, three concepts of training qualified personnel will be developed: the concept of specialized training is focused on the present or near future and is relevant for the corresponding workplace; the concept of multidisciplinary training is effective from an economic point of view, as it increases intra-production and non-production mobility of an employee; the concept of student-centered learning with the aim of developing human qualities inherent in nature or acquired in practice.