Assessment of the State of Natural Resources for Organization of Screening of Urothelial Tumors


Vladimir Yu. Startsev, Gleb V. Kondratiev, Vasyli I. Oriol, Sergey V. Golubev, Vladimir S. Luchkevich

The article provides basic information about the influence of natural factors on the development of urothelial carcinoma in humans. The social significance of an early examination of the inhabitants of Russia to identify the initial signs of malignancy of the transitional epithelium was determined, based on the dynamics of medical and statistical indicators, data from sanitary and epidemiological studies and the absence of a system of preventive measures to prevent urothelial carcinoma. The rate of formation of neoplastic changes in the urothelium is largely determined by the degree of air and soil contamination with potentially dangerous carcinogens, the lack of proper water purification and the peculiarities of the state of the health care system in the region. The results of screening for urothelial carcinoma, with a detailed study of the state of the environment, are given in a few publications. Lack of technical and personnel staffing in most rural healthcare institutions, their remoteness from the place of residence of a significant part of the population of small towns and rural settlements, and emergency measures to combat the new acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) will contribute to an increase in mortality of the Russian population from this onco-urological pathology. It is advisable to organize new oncological-epidemiological protocols, accompanied by a correction of the staffing table and the treatment approach for urothelial carcinoma in different municipal districts of Russia, in order to reduce the mortality rate of the population from the development of this aggressive tumor.

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