Biological Activity of the Tenebrionidae Beetle Antioxidant Complex in a Murine Neurotoxic Model of Parkinson's Disease


Vladimir M Kovalzon41760*, Aleksandr V Ambaryan41761, Aleksandr V Revishchin41762, Galina V Pavlova41763, Ekaterina Y Rybalkina41764, Aleksandr I Bastrakov41765 and Nina A Ushakova41766

We have previously shown that the aqueous extract of the Ulomoides dermestoides darking beetle (Tenebrionidae family) biomass contains a powerful complex of antioxidant substances of protein and non-protein nature. Considering the crucial role of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) in the development of neurodegeneration, we set out to test the biological activity of this extract in a mouse neurotoxic model of Parkinson's disease. The beetle extracts were administrated continuously with food and their effects on parkinsonism caused by twice injected defoliant paraquat to experimental mice was evaluated. The motor activity of the animals was analyzed in behavioral tests using a rotarod and a vertical pole. The number of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunopositive neurons in the ventral part of the substantia nigra of the midbrains of experimental and control mice was studied by immunohistochemistry. In the model in vitro system with SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma, the effect of the extracts on cell proliferation was examined in the absence and presence of the neurotoxin MPP+ (1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium). The isolation of biologically active substances from raw biomass using cavitation effects made it possible to obtain extracts with protective properties in the model of an early stage of Parkinson's disease used in this study.

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