Biological properties of walnut genotypes in Kazakhstan


Kairova M, Yegizbayeva & 1058;.& 1050;, Yausheva T.V, Oleichenko S.N, Apushev & 1040;.& 1050;

Walnut, which is known for its polymorphism, has long been growing in the Sairam-Ugam region. This is a biological characteristics study of walnut genotypes cultivated in the Almaty and Turkestan regions. In 2018, out of 137 seedlings of local walnut, 19 genotypes had good winter hardiness. After pruning of damaged branches, genotypes X1 / 4, X5 / 5, X15 / 5 and X3 / 2 showed a high shoot-forming ability. The height of 3-year-old trees was within the range of 2.10-3.50 m (2.83 m in average, p = 0.05) and the crown width was 1.30-3.36 m (2.33 m in average, p = 0.05). In 4 summer trees, the height was 2.50-4.50 m (3.53 m in average, p = 0.05), and the crown width was from 1.8 to 5.4 m (3.66 m in average, p = 0.05). In 2019, 200 Turkish walnut genotypes were found to have I degree of winter hardiness. Among them, 24 genotypes began to bear fruit, but the presence of diseases was found in 6 trees. In microsatellite analysis, depending on the primer pairs used and the walnut genotype, the sizes of the allelic loci WGA001, WGA005, WGA009, WGA069, and WGA202 varied within 178-192 bp, 240-252 bp, 237-252 bp, 160-184 bp, and 259 to 295 bp, respectively. An expanded study of other SSR loci in local Kazakh genotypes will provide a complete picture of the genetic diversity of the J. regia nut.

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