Breast Fibroadenoma Features Assessment by Ultrasonography


Zena.M.Al hindawi.

Background: breast cancer in women is one of the commonest cancers in world. Features assessed by ultrasound of benign lesions like fibroadenoma may be overlying with those seen in a malignant tumor. So, we evaluated breast ultrasound examination in patients with diagnosis of fibroadenoma pathologically.
Objective: To identify benign features of fibroadenomas by ultrasound and how we can make some difference between them and breast cancer.
Method: This prospective study included 202 women mean age of 28.71 SD± 7.71 (ranging between 17 and 46 years old) with proved diagnosis of fibroadenoma by pathological study which had been enrolled outpatient clinic from January 2019 to June 2020.
Result: In 202 women with 28.71 ± 7.71 years of age, all contributors were ordered as stage 4 on Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System scale. Mean of 14.94 ± SD 7.834. Greatest no. of masses seen in upper outer quadrants of the breasts. Most masses were oval in shape with only 6.4% were rounded. The margin demarcation, 95.5 % were well defined while ill-defined masses were described in 4.5 %. About 93.6% of masses appear to be hypoechoic in the ultrasound. Masses with lobulation were in 20.8% of the masses. 6.4 % of them had calcification and 6.9% were heterogenic appearance.

Conclusion: The most common features of fibroadenoma seen by ultrasound consist of a hypoechoic mass with a well-defined margin; although , many features that have similarity to malignant masses are also seen involving ill-defined margin, lobulation, existence of a posterior shadow, heterogenicity, and presence of microcalcification.

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