Caeserean Delivery of Women with COVID -19 in Padang, Indonesia: A Case Report
Vaulinne Basyir, Syahredi R Adnani, Prima Nanda Fauziah.
Pregnant women became one of the groups which require more attention during COVID-19 pandemic. Pregnant women seem more likely to have a mild symptom of COVID-19 infection or to be an asymptomatic case.
Case presentation: A 29 year old female, 36 weeks pregnant, was tested postive for COVID-19 and hospitalized in dr. M Djamil Hospital, Padang, during COVID-19 pandemi. Patient recovered from fever five days prior, and the remaining symptoms included cough and shortness of breath. Patient was eliminated with low segment cesarean section (LSCS/ C-Section), and inpatient for 3 weeks. There was no negative outcome and the baby was tested negative of COVID-1. Likewise, patient was tested negative after 14 days. Further investigation revealed that patien suffered mild COVID-19-related liver injury. The follow-up treatment was albumin injection.
Conclusion: There was no vertical transmission of COVID-19 between mother and the baby which suggests caeserean delivery may not increase neonatal infection. However, this case also exhibited that liver dysfunction has been continuingly related to COVID-19 infection and intensive care admission.