Clinicopathological Correlation Can Improve Early Detection of Cervical High-Grade Intraepithelial Lesions and Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma


Inas Abd Al Majed Rasheed.

Worldwide, cervical intraepithelial dysplasia common lesions in adult women, particularly after the age of 30 years. The high grade lesions are considered as pre-malignancy and could give raise to in situ and invasive squamous cell carcinoma of uterian cervix. These cancerous transformations significantly can be reduced by screening program of the cervix, including: cytological examination of the cervix, HR-HPV test, and colposcopy. women with cervical cytology that showed morphology of intraepithelial dysplastic changes, especially high grade lesions, HR-HPV test should be done for these women. High prevalence of HPV infection will not predicate the risk of malignant transformation in these affected women, thus additional triage test, including immunochemical markers for transformed cells can be used to detect women need further evaluation, follow up and treatment.In current study, p16/Ki-67 dual biomarkers staining, were used for cytological smears to detect dysplastic cellular changes and can improve the diagnosis of pre-malignant lesions and squamous cells carcinoma.
Aim of the study: To identify the role of p16/ki-67 dual immunostaining in predicting the presence of significant cervical lesions in women with mild cellular atypia.
Patients and method: A prospective study of 214 women, with average age 38 years, over a period of January 2018 to December 2019, in Bagdad city. Women were referred from private gynecological clinics to private Al-Baraa lab and Lab of Dr. Inas Abd Al Majed Rasheed. All cervical cytological smears of the patients that were showed dysplastic changes, were submitted for HR-HPV-detection (by PCR), and p16/ki-67 dual biomarker of cytology followed by colposcopy-guided biopsy were done for 62 women.

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