Coconut Husk Biochar Application on Increasing Growth and Yield of Maize Plant, and Improvement Fertility of Ultisol Dry Land


Budiyati Ichwani, Mapegau, Marlina.

Maize plant (Zea mays L.) aside from being a staple food, is also the main feed ingredient for poultry farms and processed industrial raw materials. To increase maize plant production and productivity, it is necessary to use marginal lands such as Ultisol dry land. Ultisol dry land is a land whose water availability depends on rainfall has a low content of organic matter and nutrients and high soil acidity. Therefore, to improve Ultisol dry land and increase the growth and yield of the maize plants, biochar used as soil organic ameliorant. Indonesian coconut production averages 15.5 billion coconuts per year, equal to 31.8 million tons of husk. Therefore coconut husk has good potential used as raw material for biochar.
Research for examining the effect of biochar on growth and yield of the maize plant, and improvement Ultisol dry land fertility, was conducted in April to September 2018, in Pematang Sulur Village, Telanaipura, Jambi- Indonesia (35 m asl). The study used a randomized block design with four replication. The treatment that was tried was the coconut husk biochar dose (0 tons ha-1, 3 tons ha-1,6 tons ha-1, 9 tons ha-1, 12 tons ha-1, 15 tons ha-1). Giving biochar increased maize yields (seed weight per plant) is 36-69% compared to without biochar. Increased growth and yield of maize plants are in line with increased nutrient content (P and K) and a decrease in the total sugar content of maize. Increased growth and highest yields obtained in coconut husk biochar 15 ton ha-1. The application of coconut husk biochar improves physical (w/v, TPS, SWC) and chemical properties of Ultisol (pH, CEC, C, P and K).

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