Comparative Characteristics of Pregnancy Course and Labour Outcomes in Pregnant Women, Depending on Observation Conditions and Location of Health Improvement Activities


Vartanyan Elen Arayevna, Gridnev Oleg Vladimirovich, Belostotsky Andrey Victorovich, Pesennikova Elena Vasilievna, Kuchits Ekaterina Olegovna.

Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) is quite an urgent problem in modern obstetric practice, as it has an important effect on perinatal morbidity and mortality, as well as on women's reproductive health. In the treatment of pregnancy loss, specialists have few attempts, and the doctor is responsible for diagnostic assessment, management and place of treatment.
Purpose of study: To compare characteristics of pregnancy course and labour outcomes in pregnant women, depending on observation conditions and location of health improvement activities
Materials and methods: Group I included 206 pregnant women, receiving in-patient treatment at the sanatorium; and 147 (group II), who were treated in the pathologic pregnancy department in the maternity hospital, were assigned to the risk group for pregnancy loss. At this, 45 patients in group I and 43 patients in group II 43 were treated for threatened miscarriage. Among women from the risk group of pregnancy loss in more than 70% of cases, a burdened obstetric and gynaecological history was revealed.
Pregnant women with threatened pregnancy loss at the sanatorium received a complex therapeutic and preventive treatment, including consultations with a psychotherapist (auto-training), physiotherapy, vitamin therapy, herbal medicine, acupuncture.
Pregnant women, belonging only to the risk group for pregnancy loss, received a preventive course of central electrical analgesia (CEA), psychophysiological training and general sanatorium regimen. The therapy was combined with test cardiac monitoring.
The therapeutic measures in pathologic pregnancy department in the maternity hospital were limited to bed rest and medical therapy, vitamin therapy, prescription of sedatives and tocolytic therapy. Some pregnant women were treated using physical treatment methods - electric relaxation according to A.Z. Haskin on Amplipulse-4 device.
Results: The performed study demonstrates that pregnant women, treated in the sanatorium, were less likely to suffer from gestational toxicosis, threatened miscarriage and anaemia of pregnant women. In women of group I, compared to group II, in a large percentage the delivery was in time and natural. In the pathologic pregnancy department, the following complications were recorded: poor uterine contraction strength and bleeding in the 3rd period.
Conclusion: In women with RPL, it is recommended to include a sanatorium stage in the system of specialized care for such patients to prolong pregnancy, normalize psycho-emotional state and reduce the number of postnatal complications.

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