Detection of Plasmid-Mediated blaNDM1 and blaNDM2 Genes in Clinical Isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii from Iraqi Patients


Dalyia Akram Hamoodi40419*

The widespread of Acinetobacter baumanniiis concerning. The horizontal gene's transfer of this bacteria is crucial in acquiring unique traits like antibiotic resistance, which has been related to a significant increase in infection and fatality rates in patients. The New Delhi carbapenemase enzyme, which hydrolyzes all-lactam antibiotics (except aztreonam), including the broad-spectrum carbapenem antibiotic, is one of the most therapeutically significant carbapenemes. NDM (New Delhi metallo-beta lactamase) is a carbapenem enzyme that efficiently hydrolyzes lactams; as a result, NDM-producing bacteria only have a few treatment alternatives. VITEK-identified multidrug-resistant (MDR) A. baumannii isolates from Iraqi pneumonia patients were included in the investigation. Using 0.7 percent agarose gel electrophoresis, each isolate was checked for the presence of plasmid(s). Using the polymerase chain reaction technique, positive isolates were submitted to genetic identification of plasmid containing blaNDM1 and blaNMD2. The presence of the plasmid was discovered in all the isolates tested. NDM1-R1 enzyme was found to be positive in 61.5 percent of isolates, NDM1-R2 enzyme in 61.5 percent of isolates, and the NDM-2 enzyme in 61.5 percent of isolates. In addition, 38.4 percent of the participants tested negative for both enzymes. The importance of plasmid-mediated horizontal gene transfer in the acquisition of multiple drug resistance in MDR A. baumannii is highlighted by these findings. It is the first time to detect plasmid-mediated blaNDM1 and blaNDM2 genes in MDR A. baumannii in Iraq. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of NDM variants, metallo-β-lactamases, among A. baumannii isolates from diverse clinical samples in Iraq

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