Differences of water status and relationship with roots growth and yield of rice under water stress
Cut Nur Ichsan, Bakhtiar Basyah, Sabaruddin Zakaria, Efendi Efendia
The ims of this study to obtain relationship between water status in rice leaves and root growth and yield of rice under water stress. Studied on 6 varieties with water stress levels of 0.35 to 0.70 bar repeatedly multistage, showed changes in rice root characters. Rice with deep, thick and solid root character were higher yield under water stress conditions. Root characters were influenced by variety and water stress. relative water content of leaf at vegetative stage have positive correlation with RWC reproductive r= 0,98 P<0,01, root depth r= 0,66 P<0,01, biomass dry weight 0,76 P<0,01 and grain weight perhill r= 0,81 P<0,01. Root to shoot ratio have negative correlation with RWC vegetatif r= 0,63 P<0,01, RWC reproductive r= -,65 P<0,01, root volume r= 0,46 P<0,05. Relative water content in leaves can be used as a key criterion for rice resistance to water stress.