Drug Utilization Pattern among Elderly Outpatients in the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital


Bernard OP75311*, Obidiake ER75312, Cookey Gam NP75313, Temedie T75314, Oduru EE75315 and Tamunotonye PL75316

The misuse of medications is a worldwide issue impacting healthcare, particularly among the elderly, who tend to have higher drug usage with age. This study examined drug utilization and prescription patterns in elderly outpatients at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital using World Health Organization (WHO) prescribing indicators to assess prescription appropriateness.

The study, conducted retrospectively from January 2019 to December 2019, reviewed prescriptions of the outpatients aged 60 and above. Data were collected from 600 patient folders, including demographics, drug details, and dosage, using a data form. The evaluation focused on inappropriate medication use based on WHO standards for medicine use.

The results showed that most patients 67.3% were aged 60 years-69 years, with hypertension and diabetes being the most common comorbidities. Each prescription averaged 5.2 drugs. Antibiotics were prescribed in 19.8% of cases, injections in 25.7% and 65.3% of the drugs were generics. Cardiovascular 26.2% and endocrine 20.8% drugs were most frequently prescribed.

The study revealed significant shortcomings in prescribing practices at the outpatient clinic of the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital. Findings indicated that elderly patients experienced polypharmacy and therapy duplication, suggesting inappropriate medication use. Furthermore, prescribing patterns including the use of injectable, antibiotics and generic drugs, did not fully align with WHO recommendations.

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