Effect of Citrullus Colocynthis Seeds Extract on Some Physiological and Biochemical Changes in Male Mice Treated with Anti-Androgenic Drug


Najdat Ali Al-Kadhi, Ammar Mohammed Taifor, Lawand Fadhil Mohsin, Kasim Sakran Abass.

The study aimed to investigate the ameliorative effects of aqueous extract of Citrullus collicynthis some physiological & biochemical parameters in the serum of mice treated with Tamsulosin for 5 weeks. Aqueous extract of Citrullus were prepared and Tamsulosin drug diluted. All preparation administrated orally once in a day by gavages needle. Twenty male albino mice randomly divided to 4 groups at the controlled conditions with pellets and water ad libitum. 1st control group received normal saline, 2ndgroup received ACC 20 mg/kg, 3rd received Tamsulosin 0.01mg/kg, while 4th group received ACC + Tamsulosin. Blood samples were collected, and serum obtained after centrifuged of the blood. Serum kept in eppendrof tubes and stored at deep freeze ( -20 c°) till biochemical tests carried out for detection of GOT, GPT, ALP, urea, uric acid and creatinin levels, also lipid fractions TC, TG and HDL-C with glucose concentration were determined, in addition to FSH, LH and testosterone levels. The results of Tamsulosin administration recorded significant increase (P< 0.05) in the serum concentration of GOT, ALP, urea, uric acid and glucose in addition to lipid fractions, TC and HDL. While significant decline in the LH and testosterone activities recorded as compared control group. While the animals when co-treated with ACC+ Tamsulosin recorded non-significant differences (P> 0.05) in all above parameters as compared control group. So concluded, the animals received long term Tamsulosin when co-treated with ACC improves the deleterious effects of Tamsulosin concerned with hepato-renal function tests parameters in addition to some lipid fractions and hormones.


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