Effect Of Evisect On Organo-Somatic Index And Pathohistological Changes Of Some Vital Organs In White Mice.


Radhiah Najm Abd, and Azhar Lateef Jebur

Background: Since the studies and researches regarding Evisect toxicity in humans and animals are sparse, therefore we have a little information on the systemic toxicity of (Evisect) poisoning after oral administration on vital organs alterations and weight
Aim: The aim of this study was to provide the harmful effect of Thiocyclam Hydrogen Oxalate pesticide (Evisect) on the organosomatic indicator and histopathological alternations that may occurred in some vital organs such idney and liver in both female and male mice.
Material & Method: Twenty mice were divided into four groups. Untreated control groups were orally administrated tap water only while the treated groups were received about 100 mg/kg of Thiocyclam Hydrogen Oxalate (THO) orally for a period of 14 days.
Results: Study results showed there were no significant differences (p>0.05) between control and treated groups in organ weights and body weight (organosomatic index) excepting between both treated male and female groups in kidney and liver weights, after 14 days of THO administration. On the other side, the results of histological study for kidney show moderate vascular congestion, mild tubular epithelial degeneration and only mild glomerular shrinkage, no significant inflammation or necrosis seen. The histological study for liver shows diffuse feathery and hydropic degeneration of hepatocytes with lobular disarrangement, congestion and well defined portal chronic nonspecific inflammation with single cell necrosis.
Conclusion: The present research findings reveal that the Evisect insecticide has toxic effects on the kidney and liver histology, although it has no effect on body or organs weight in experimental animals..

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