Effect of Lactobacillus fermentum filtrate on Pseudomonas aeruginosa adhesion at biotic and abiotic surfaces


Abdullah Laith Khalil, Sanaa Rahman Oleiwi

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen which is a serious source of various hospital acquired diseases. Current study aimed to determination of inhibition ability of the probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus fermentum) to inhibit P. aeruginosa adhesion. Forty-five isolates of P. aeruginosa were obtained from clinical samples, the isolation frequency was equal to 50.56 %. Hydrophobicity results found that 28(62.2%) isolates were strong biofilm producer while 17(37.7%) isolates were moderate biofilm producer. The findings of inhibitory effect of L. fermentum filtrate revealed that (1/8) dilution inhibited the bacterial growth. Biofilm formation inhibition test on abiotic surfaces found that Lactobacillus filtrate able to inhibit biofilm formation on stainless steel more than glass then plastic. Also results of biofilm inhibition test on biotic surfaces found that that L. fermentum filtrate have ability to inhibit biofilm on uroepithelial cells,,approximately (15-20) bacterial cell adhered to epithelia cell without Lactobacillus filtrate while there are a very few cells adhered to epithelial cell (0-2) in presence of filtrate.
Recent study may add an additional information obout L. fermentum filtrate ability to inhibit biofilm formation by P. aeruginosa on abiotic and biotic surface which may be useful in understanding of probiotic role as alternative antibacterial and antibiofim agent at clinical and environmental level

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