Effect of Vitamin U on High Fat Diet and Nicotine Induced Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Wistar Albino Rats


Indrajit Bhattacharya41825*, CM Hossain41826 and Abhijit De41827

The liver plays an important function in the metabolism of carbohydrate-protein and fats. Now a day’s obesity and high fatty diet cigarettes increased Oxidative stress which leads to the chance of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of Vitamin-U on a High-Fat Diet (HFD) and nicotine-induced NAFLD in rats. Female Wistar rats (n=6) that weighed 200-250 g were randomly segregated into six groups of nine animals in each group. The Group-I animals received a normal diet and the rest of the groups received HFD and nicotine (1.5 mg/kg, b.wt (body weight), I.P (Intraperitoneal)) (NAFLD control) and water ad libitum. After 28th days, blood was collected from the retro-orbital plexus under mild chloroform to ensure that all animals which received HFD and nicotine were hyperlipidemia or not. After conformation animals were differentiated into different (Negative control) normal diets (NAFLD control) where cholesterol, triglyceride, Serum Glutamic-Oxaloacetic Transaminase (SGOT), Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (SGPT), Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) level significantly increased compared with normal control. After 14 days of treatment with Vitamin U (100 mg/kg, b.wt, oral) alone, Vitamin-U (150 mg/kg, b.wt, oral) alone, Vitamin-U (150 mg/kg, b.wt, oral), Vitamin-U (100 mg/kg, b.wt, oral) combined with Vitamin-E (200 mg/kg, b.wt, oral) and Vitamin-E (200 mg/kg, b.wt, oral) alone along with induction it has been seen that serum cholesterol, triglyceride, fasting glucose SGOT, SGPT, ALP level significantly decreased in comparison with NAFLD control. As NAFLD condition increased oxidative stress liver homogenate Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), reduced Glutathione (GSH) level was significantly decreased and Lipid Peroxidation (LPO) level significantly increased in NAFLD control compare with normal control. After treatment with Vitamin U alone (100 mg/kg, b.wt, oral) alone, Vitamin-U alone (150 mg/kg, b.wt, oral) alone, Vitamin-U alone (150 mg/kg, b.wt, oral), Vitamin-U (100 mg/kg, b.wt) combined with Vitamin- E (200 mg/kg, b.wt, oral) and Vitamin-E (200 mg/kg, b.wt, oral) alone significantly increased SOD and GSH level and decreased LPO level. So, Vitamin U can be a good option for the treatment of NAFLD. It has been seen that when Vitamin-U combined with Vitamin E which is more effective than the individual drug to improve NAFLD.

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