Effectiveness of the Mentoring Process on the Orphanage Stripling Life Welfare
Gero Sabina, Nugroho Febtian Cendradevi, Rita Benya, Agussalim*
Adolescents in the process of developing into adults need adults to answer questions that arise in themselves. The right adults are parents. Teenagers who live in orphanages without parents. The institution supervisor acts as a substitute for parents. This role needs to be done routinely like every semester using a mentoring book for every teenager. This study aims to determine the effect of the mentoring process on the welfare of orphanage adolescent. The study used a pre-experimental design method, one group pretest- posttest design. Samples were taken at 3 orphanages with saturated sample techniques. Total sample is 57 adolescents. The research instrument is standard, measuring the welfare of life (GWB=General Well-Being). Post test is conducted 1 (one) month after the assistance process. Analysis using statistical descriptions, T-tests and linear regression.The T-test/different test found that 3 (three) aspects of adolescent welfare were significantly increased after mentoring namely self control, vitality, and physical health. Welfare aspects such as positive attitude, anxiety, depression are not affected. The process of assisting adolescent orphans affects the ability to control themselves, vitality and physical health. Self-control, vitality and physical health are characteristics of a teenager and the purpose of service in an orphanage.