Effects of Chronic Kidney Disease on Levels of Oxidative Stress and Trace Elements


Xiaojing Zhu35101, Yuan Zhang35102, Jin Han35103, Dan Xiao35104, Dan Zhu35105 and Yan Ou35106*

Introduction: The relationship between trace elements and Oxidative Stress (OS) in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients is still not completely elucidated. The aim of this work is to determine the serum levels of OS and the trace elements in CKD patients.

Methods: A total of 91 patients were enrolled and then divided into 5 groups at the basis of CKD stages and therapy methods. Healthy volunteers were included as a control group. Serum levels of SOD, MDA, Zn, Cu, Ca, Fe, and Mg were determined, and the correlations among these data’s were analyzed; a portion of patients are under hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Meanwhile, the association between OS and trace elements will be investigated.

Results: The Malondialdehyde (MDA) level in the patients’ sera was significantly higher than the controls’ (P<0.05); however, their sera level of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) was obviously lower (P<0.05). Meanwhile, the creatinine level in CKD patients’ sera was positively correlated with the MDA level (r=0.534, P<0.01), while negatively with the expression of SOD (r=-0.427, P<0.01). A lower expression of Zn and Ca values could be seen in the cases’ sera (P<0.05). Besides that, it showed a significant negative correlation between serum levels of MDA and Ca (r=-0.282, P<0.01), MDA and Zn (r=-0.358, P<0.01), while a positive correlation between MDA and Cu (r=0.236, P=0.022). Adversely, the expression of SOD in the sera of cases was positively related to the levels of Ca (r=0.273, P<0.01) and Zn (r=0.277, P<0.01).

Conclusion: Abnormalities of OS and Zn, Ca existed in CKD patients; and elevated OS may play a role in the trace elements imbalance. Dialysis not only hemodialysis but also peritoneal dialysis seems to have no obvious effect on plasma trace elements. Correct the disorders need to find new ways.

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