
Ashok H Akabari47829*, Dhiren P Shah47830, Sagar P Patel47831 and Sagarkumar K Patel47832

Moringaceae family are used extensively in source of medicine, food, cosmetic oil, water purification and forage for livestock. Active compounds of natural ingredients need to be extensively explored to get their properties. The family Moringaceae is containing around 33 different species, only 13 species from these 33 species were documented. The 13 species of Moringaceae family are  dicotyledonous  tropical and sub-tropical flowering trees fit into three main categories that reflect life form and geography are slender trees, bottle trees and trees, shrubs and herbs of north eastern of Africa. The aim of this review was to provide an outline of Moringaceae species profiles, ethanopharmacology, pharmacological compound, phytochemistry and their toxicological activity. The method used to collect literature is the Science Direct, PubMed and Google Scholar  search  engines with keywords. Most important bioactive phytochemical constituents of these species are essential oils, flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, terpenoid, phenolic compounds, saponins and many more. Many studies showed that Moringceae has efficacy as an antibacterial and antifungal properties; anti-malarial properties; anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties; antiulcer properties; anticancer properties; hypoglycemic properties; hypolipidemic properties; hepato and kidney Protective properties; antioxidant properties; heart and circulatory energizers properties; antiepileptic properties; antispasmodic properties; antihypertensive properties. Further research needs to be done to make pharmaceutical preparations in the form of patent drugs with appropriate therapeutic doses for the betterment of human health.

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