
Okoro Chukwuemeka Ogbonna76087*, Callistus I Iheme76088, Jerome Ugwu Odo76089, Nwode Agwu76090, Daniel Orieke76091, Prince Nkemakolam Okoroh76092, David Chukwu Obasi76093, Elizabeth Amah Elekwa76094, Oganya Orinya76095, Belonwu EO76096 and Kenneth Anene Agu76097

Due to lifestyle changes and the high cost of living, alcoholism has increased, driven by the proliferation of herbal drinks that consumers claim to be sex enhancers and liver cleansing agents, despite a lack of scientific evidence. The habitual intake of herbal-based alcoholic beverages by school children and youth poses a significant public health issue in Uburu, Southeast Nigeria.

Our study evaluated the lipid profile of four different herbal bitters commonly consumed in Southeast Nigeria: Akpaka, odogwu, ballamour and confam bitters, using wistar albino rats. A total of 30 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into five groups labelled A, B, C, D and E. Group A served as the control and was administered distilled water. The rats in groups B, C, D and E received 50 mL/kg body weight of akpaka, odogwu, ballamour and confam bitters respectively, once daily for 28 days via oral intubation.

After 28 days of administration, the animals were fasted and sacrificed. Blood samples were collected from the veins in the left leg into sample bottles for biochemical analysis. Administration of the bitters significantly p<0.05 increased plasma triglyceride levels, total cholesterol levels and Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) levels in the groups receiving akpaka, odogwu, ballamour and confam bitters. Additionally, there was a significant p<0.05 decrease in High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) levels compared to the control group.

Our results indicate that alcoholic bitters such as akpaka, odogwu, ballamour and confam alter the lipid profile of rats and should be consumed with caution because high doses can lead to cardiovascular and liver diseases.

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