Evaluation of the Peculiarities of the Implementation of the Impulse Stimulus of Students in the Process of Educational Activity
Nataliia Bakhmat, Nataliia Ridei, Vladyslava Liubarets, Victoria Ivashchenko, Olga Petrovska, Kateryna Averina
The article considers the issues related to the activation of the stimulus in students of educational institutions as an integral part of motivation in pedagogy, which is one of the priorities of higher education, in turn, the correct and timely application of motivational factors allows for qualitative analysis. , on the activation of cognitive interest in the training of specialists. The purpose of the article is to study and evaluate the features of the implementation of student incentives in the educational process. To achieve this goal, the analysis of the known literature on the definition and application of motivation in the educational process. The definition of stimulus and stimulation process as a factor of psychological motivation is considered and analyzed. In the article on the basis of the analysis of the literature it is possible to come to a conclusion that neither in understanding of essence of stimulus, its role in regulation of behavior, nor in understanding of a parity between stimulation and stimulus does not have.