
Min-Chung Shen47747*, Jia-Ru Chung47748, Kuang-Yih Wang47749, Chao-Fang Chu47750, Wen-Hsin Tsou47751, Hsia-Yun Chou47752, Tian-Yu Wang47753, Tzu- Hao Chang47754, Wen-Wen Chen47755, Feng-Cheng Liu47756, Frank L Douglas47757 and Rong-Hong Hsieh47758

Patients with Autoimmune Diseases (AD) are at increased risk of complications, which adversely affect the quality of life and prognosis. Recently, a large amount of literature suggested reduced oxidative stress by hydrogen supplements in reducing inflammation and improving prognosis. In this study, clinical trial NCT05196295, we randomly assigned different dosages (low, medium, and high) of hydrogen-rich coral calcium (HRCC) to patients with autoimmune diseases, including Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) patients in MingSheng Hospital in Taiwan (age 54 years, 80% females). Participants were measured with their baseline health biomarkers including inflammatory indicators, haematologic, urinary biomarkers, and health status prior to the trial. Clinical and follow-up assessments were collected after 1 month of the treatment. We performed analyses to compare the baseline with the changes after the HRCC treatment. Together with the groups treated with different dosages, the treatment demonstrated no adverse effects on participants’ responses to the HRCC. While the primary endpoint of the trial was met, the potential therapeutic effects of HRCC are addressed for future studies. This clinical trial of HRCC in safety response is the first-in-human study.

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