Experimental and Clinical Justification of the use of Probiotic-Sorption Drugs in Veterinary Surgery
Pavel Rudenko, Yury Vatnikov, Evgeny Kulikov, Nadezhda Sachivkina, & 1040;rfenia Karamyan, Andrei Rudenko, Victoria Rudenko, Anvar Gadzhikurbanov, Valeriy Murylev, Pavel Elizarov, Tatiana Mansur, Sergei Vyalov, Natalia Troshina.
The wide range of therapeutic effects of silicon dioxide (reduction of endogenous intoxication, normalization of intestinal microbiocenosis, reduction of systemic inflammatory response, activation of detoxification function) makes its use as a matrix in the production of pharmacological drugs for the treatment and prevention of surgical infection by giving an interesting direction for scientific research. The article provides experimental and clinical justification for the use of complex probiotic-sorption drugs in veterinary surgery in the treatment of various forms of surgical infection.
Based on the results of the conducted research, the solution of an urgent scientific problem about the mechanisms of formation of microbiocenoses, improvement of methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of cats with surgical infections have been achieved. It is established that purulent-inflammatory processes in cats develop against the background of dysbiotic disorders of the microbial ecosystem of the intestinal tract, which has a certain prognostic value. The introduction to treatment regimens of probiotic-sorption drugs proved to be pathogenetically justified, which is confirmed by experimental and clinical studies.