Factors Affecting Nurse Preparedness in Disaster Management in the Emergency Room of the Pelabuhan Ratu Hospital in Sukabumi Regency


Rosliana Dewi, Johan Budhiana, Iwan Permana, Iyam Mariam, Yohan Frans Unmehopa, Lia Novianty, Rima Novianti Utami, Waqid Sanjaya, Abdul Rahman La Ede, Woro Rahmanishati

Nurses are the frontline in facing disaster preparedness, especially in health services and technical implementers of operational activities before, during and after disasters. Nurse preparedness in facing disasters is a key factor in reducing the impact of disasters. Disaster knowledge, attitude and training factors influence nurse preparedness. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence nurse preparedness. This type of research is correlational. The population was all nurses in the emergency room at the Pelabuhan Ratu Hospital in Sukabumi Regency with a sample of 24 nurses. The sampling technique used is total sampling. Data collection using a questionnaire with a Likert scale and Guttman scale. Instruments of knowledge, attitudes declared valid (p <0.05) with reliability 0.897, 0.915, 0.872. Data analysis used simple and multiple linear regression. Most respondents had good knowledge (54.2%), good attitude (70.80%), attended disaster training (62.50%) and preparedness was very ready (70.80%). There is a significant influence of nurses 'knowledge on disaster preparedness (0.009), nurses' attitudes towards disaster preparedness (0.000), disaster training on disaster preparedness (0.010). Simultaneously knowledge about preparedness, attitude towards preparedness, disaster training significantly influences the preparedness of nurses in facing disasters (<0.05). There is a significant influence of disaster knowledge, attitude and training on nurse preparedness disaster. It is hoped that the hospital will add nurses' competencies on disaster through training and disaster simulation.



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