Functional-Morphological Features of Enterosorbent in Animal Cells


Yessimsiitova Zura, Ablaikhanova Nurzhanyat, & 1058;leubekkyzy Perizat, Beken Zaure, Ussipbek Botagoz, Kairat Bakytzhan, Yessenbekova Arailym

Today it is impossible to present any human activity thatis directly or indirectly notaffected by live organisms of toxic substances that continue to grow. Studying the pathomorphology of changecaused by and the effect of toxic substances at the intercellular and interfabric level plays a large role inunderstanding the pathogenesis of various diseases. One avenue of studying intercellular and interfabric relationship is the identification of interaction between fabrics facing impact of toxic substances. In the human body, this is especially relevant as the relationship between fabrics and their cellular elements helps to reveal morphofunctionalfeatures of cells. Toxic substances acting on an organism triggersmorphofunctional processes thatlead to destructive changes inorganisms. Chronic poisoning with cadmium and lead, for instance, destroys animal cells, leading to the dysfunction of internal organs. An excess of cadmium interferes withthe metabolism of metals, especially iron and calcium, distorts theeffect of zinc and other metalenzymes, blocks sulfhydryl groups of enzymesand interrupts DNA synthesis. Lead interferes with biosynthesis, and is considered the strongest neurotoxin, causingaggressive reactions where it is present. In this experiment, morphological changes in the internalorgans of white, not purebred, rats that are given1.5 mg/kg of cadmium and 25 mg/kg oflead in anenterosorbentare investigated using 1 g/kg Ingo2 within 30 days of its use. Two groups of rats show strong destructive changes in their internal organs i.e. necrosis, puffiness, gidropic dystrophy, reduced pathological processes and increasedcompensatory reaction. Two other groups of rats show the effects of damage due to poisoning, but these effects are reduced after use ofenterosorbentIngo2. The results of thisresearch demonstrate that the enterosorbentIngo2 promotes efficiency in occluding cations of lead and cadmium.

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