How Does Team Performance Management Influence The Knowledge In Implementing Patient Safety Programs In Hospital Work Unit, Indonesia?
Mirrah samiyah, Usman Hadi, Widodo J. Pudjiraharjo, Nyoman Anita Damayanti, Djazuly Chalidyanto, ThinniNurul Rochmah.
Introduction: The recent concepts of patient safety put the main responsibility for the most adverse events on deficiencies in system design, organization, and operation rather than on negligence or poor performance of individual providers or products. The aspect of organizational safety culture that may be visible or measurable which is sometimes called as safety climate which is including management systems, safety systems, and individual attitudes and perceptions. The purpose of this study was to analyze the team performance management influence the knowledge in implementing patient safety programs in the hospital work unit, Indonesia. Method: The research design was a survey analytic, the research population was hospital staff with 107 heads sample of work units with sampling quota as sampling technique and using Linear Regression Analysis. Result: The results of the research with linear regression P-value = 0.000 <α = 0.05 indicated that performance management has a significant influence on knowledge. The increase of 1 Performance Management score will increase the knowledge score by 0.168. Conclusion. Performance Management influences the work unit's knowledge of implementing the patient safety program. The better performance management of a work unit has, means the better knowledge that members have in the work unit to improve the patient safety program at Hospital.