Ideal Bone Defects Distance on Orthodontic Tooth Movement for Preparation of hADMSC-Scaffold Chitosan Intervention
Sudarmono, Sunardhi Widyaputra, Suhardjo Sitam, Inne Suherna, Arni Diana Fitri, Arif Rachman
Introduction: Malocclusion can cause the risk of caries and periodontitis requires orthodontic treatment. Mechanical force during Orthodontic Tooth Movement (OTM) resulting in bone apposition and resorption is widely considered in both periodontal and orthodontic research. Bone defects occur because OTM is needed to accelerate bone regeneration to prevent relapses with the intervention of hADMSC - Scaffold chitosan for that required the ideal distance of bone defects between M1-M2.
Objective: This research aimed to calcify ideal bone defects distance on Orthodontic Tooth Movement for Preparation of hADMSC - Scaffold Chitosan Intervention by performing X-ray CR and Micro-CT.
Methods: This research using 3 Wistars at the time of treatment 4.6, 8, and 10 days. The NiTi 0.010-inch close coil spring length 8 mm drawn with 10 gf to 10.5 mm and X-ray CR and Micro-CT was examined. X-ray CR provides qualitative data and Micro-CT provides quantitative and qualitative data.
Results: The average width of the gap with a value of 0.404743 mm can be an ideal interdental distance for the preparation of interventions hADMSC - chitosan scaffold to be able to provide bone regeneration effect on the gap of M1 - M2.
Conclusion: The treatment on the 10th day can provide an ideal gap to be able to intervene hADMSC - chitosan scaffold to be able to provide closure to bone defects as bone regeneration.