Identification Phytochemicals and Antioxidant Activities of Various Fractions of Methanol Extracts from Bark of Kulim Tree (Scorodocarpus borneensis Becc.)
Yohana Sutiknyawati Kusuma Dewi, Oke Anandika Lestari, Dzul Fadly
Phytochemicals and antioxidant activity of methanolic extract the Kulim's bark were investigated. The extract ofS. borneensisbarks was partitioned by fractionation of gradient elution, sequentially, i.e., hexane, ethyl acetate, ethanol, methanol, and 70% methanol, then stirred for 24 h. The fractions were evaporated at T 40 ºC to gain the concentrated samples. Phytochemical ofScorodocarpus borneensisbark fractions were determined qualitatively and quantitatively on the phenolic, flavonoid, and alkaloid compounds. The antioxidant activities of those fractions were investigated by DPPH free radical scavenging activity method. The result showed that all the crude fractions consisted of similar phytochemical substances, except n-hexane fraction, which alkaloid and flavonoid were absent. The fraction of ethyl acetate was identified the most significant flavonoid content and scavenging activity against free radical of DPPH (273.13 ± 2.25 mg QE/g extract and 57.88 ppm, respectively); while methanol fraction showed the highest total phenolic content and alkaloid content, were about 2332.64 ± 59.23 mg GAE/g and 19.67 ± 2.08 mg BE/g extract, respectivel