Andy Ahmad, Iyay Robia Khaerudin, Deti Rostini, Sarmauli, Abdul Hakim Ma`aruf
Mathematics education in elementary and secondary schools intended that students have a high reasoning ability and logical thinking and be able to use mathematics and mathematical thinking patterns in learning various sciences. Basically, in everyday life mathematics is interrelated, mathematics is used to present data information in various ways and improve accuracy. The comparison concept can be found in social studies lessons on map material. In social studies subject map material uses comparison concept. In calculating the scale, actual distance, distance on the map / image uses comparison concept. So, students are expected to understand the concept of comparison in order to easily solve problems related to maps. This study aims to find out how much the relationship between understanding the comparison concept with social studies learning outcomes on map material. Researchers use quantitative research types, namely correlation techniques. Research of correlation (correlation research) is research carried out to find out whether there is any relationship between two or more variables. In this research there is a positive relationship between understanding the comparison concept with social studies learning outcomes on map material so it can be suggested that students better understand the importance of learning mathematics, because mathematics is closely related to other subjects.