Improving TB-Related Knowledge and Behavior with Sembuh TB App towards Indonesia TB Elimination
IntroductionAlong with the rapid development in technology, a handful of mobile interventions are now introduced to improve outcomes in TB medication.Sembuh TB app is an Android app, designed to increase medication adherence for tuberculosis patients in Indonesia.This report has an objective to analyse the influence of SembuhTB app in improving TB-related knowledge and behaviour among TB patients, as well as reaching 2022 target for 90% treatment success rate.MethodsTwo methods were conducted in order to reach the study objective. First method involved initial interview with stakeholders. Meanwhile in the final method or demonstration project, feedbacks received from stake holders interview were evaluated and applied to the TB patients as subjects using the app.ResultsIn initial interview, total sample of 69 individuals were gathered. The interviews demonstrated that the app indeed has strong potential to be used by and have desired effects on TB patients. It also pointed to the importance of target segmentation for mobile apps; apps are more suitable to younger generations than to older generations.Meanwhile, a total of 45 users were recruited to participate in the demonstration project. There were 10 active users (22%) at the end of the three-month period of the project and they performed better than app dropouts acrossfour proxies of app effectiveness indicators.ConclusionThis study succeeded in identifying specific features to be improved and, more importantly, proving the potential of the Sembuh TB App in improving TB-related knowledge and behaviour if the app can be used properly and continuously