Influence of High-Altitude Hypoxia on the Hemodynamics of the Small Circle of Blood Circulation and Indicators of Red Blood of Rats
A. Kh. Shandaulov, K.M. Khamchiev, A.A. Astanin, S.S. Ibraeva, K.M. Khasenova
Studies of the reaction of the small circle of blood circulation and blood condition in response to a long (2, 5, and 10 months) stay of rats at 3200 meters altitude above the sea level (Tien Shan, Tuya-Ashu Pass) have been carried out. It has been established that systolic pressure in the pulmonary artery had increased to 60% by the 2-month period and it has increased throughout the stay in the mountains, with unchanged diastolic. As a result, pulse pressure has increased, which indicates the increase in pulmonary vascular stiffness in the pulmonary artery pool as the main reason for the increase in systolic pressure. The impedance in the lung tissue has significantly increased by 30%, which indicates the restructuring of the blood vessels of the lungs as an expression of the kind of "autoregulation" described for vessels of a large circle of blood circulation. Blood counts indicate long-term mechanisms of adaptation to high mountains, an increase in the hemoglobin content in red blood cells.