
Tussupbekova G.A., Rakhmetova A.M., Alshynbekova Gulnaziya, Mukhametzhanova Z.T, Mautenbaev A., Moldakaryzova A.Zh., Amreyeva K.E., Amanbai B., Yesselkhanova G.A, Kolpek Ainagul.

The concept of risk assessment is currently considered in most countries of the world as the main mechanism for the development and adoption of managerial decisions at all levels of public health protection. The concept of risk assessment is based on determining the individual and collective (population) risk of a pathological condition under the influence of adverse environmental factors [1, 2]. In modern conditions, public health directly depends on the safety of the environment and the level of disease prevention.
The activity of a modern person is carried out in conditions of an increase in the intensity and duration of the action of adverse environmental factors. The combination, simultaneous or sequential action of several factors leads to a mutual burdening of their influence on the human body, causing a rapid depletion of human physiological reserves. In response to the effect of a certain dose (intensity and duration) of unfavorable factors, states of extreme stress of adaptation mechanisms with reversible phenomena of maladjustment can develop [3].
Environmental safety is the levels of exposure to environmental factors that are safe for human health, that is, they violate the homeostasis of the functional systems of the body. The analysis of associative relationships between the content of metals and homeostatic indicators of the most sensitive systems of the body showed that for a safe and normal state of indicators of blood, biochemical metabolism, immunity, upper limits of the environmentally safe content of metals in human blood can be proposed.

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