Information Overload and Communication Overload on Social Media Exhaustion and Job Performance
Anis Eliyana, Shochrul Rohmatul Ajija, Ahmad Rizki Sridadi, Anis Setyawati, Alvin Permana Emur
The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of Information Overload and Communication Overload on Social Media Exhaustion and Job Performance on marketing department employees of Bukalapak Company. The respondents are 70 staffs in the marketing division. This research uses a quantitative approach with a path analysis methodology with data processing based on the SmartPLS program and the findings support the hypothesis. The results of the study stated that Information Overload as well as Communication Overload has a positive and significant effect on Social Media Exhaustion, furthermore Social Media exhaustion, Information Overload and Communication Overload have negative and significant effects on Job Performance.