Integral Intoxication Indices in Liver Diseases in Dogs: Clinical Characteristics and Relevance


Irina Popova, Sergey Shabunin, Yury Vatnikov, Sergey Yagnikov, Arfenia Karamyan, Nikolay Babichev, Svetlana Suslina, Alfiya Ibragimova, Alexey Shvets, Darya Radeva, Nikolay Sakhno, Valentina Semenova

One of the indicators characterizing the severity of endogenous intoxication is considered the integral indices of intoxication, in which the indicators of the leukocyte formula are used. By changes in the leukocyte formula, taking into account other hematological parameters, one can judge the severity of the pathological process and the effectiveness of the therapy. As a result of the analysis of integral intoxication indices, it was found that on the arrival day, leukocyte intoxication index, which is used to assess the intoxication level, indicated the average degree of intoxication of animals with liver damage. On the 10th day of the study, the best result was observed in the 3rd group of animals. The value of leukocytal intoxication index in dogs of this group became 1.74±0.07, which indicates a decrease in the level of intoxication to normal. The Dashtayants nuclear index isalso used to assess the severity of intoxication of the animal. When comparing different treatment regimens, it was found that therapy using fresh frozen plasma allows to rid the body of intoxication and improve the condition of the animal.


How to Cite this Article
Pubmed Style

Irina Popova, Sergey Shabunin, Yury Vatnikov, Sergey Yagnikov, Arfenia Karamyan, Nikolay Babichev, Svetlana Suslina, Alfiya Ibragimova, Alexey Shvets, Darya Radeva, Nikolay Sakhno, Valentina Semenova. Integral Intoxication Indices in Liver Diseases in Dogs: Clinical Characteristics and Relevance. SRP. 2020; 11(6): 143-150. 

Web Style

Irina Popova, Sergey Shabunin, Yury Vatnikov, Sergey Yagnikov, Arfenia Karamyan, Nikolay Babichev, Svetlana Suslina, Alfiya Ibragimova, Alexey Shvets, Darya Radeva, Nikolay Sakhno, Valentina Semenova. Integral Intoxication Indices in Liver Diseases in Dogs: Clinical Characteristics and Relevance. [Access: March 30, 2021]. doi:10.31838/srp.2020.6.23

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Irina Popova, Sergey Shabunin, Yury Vatnikov, Sergey Yagnikov, Arfenia Karamyan, Nikolay Babichev, Svetlana Suslina, Alfiya Ibragimova, Alexey Shvets, Darya Radeva, Nikolay Sakhno, Valentina Semenova. Integral Intoxication Indices in Liver Diseases in Dogs: Clinical Characteristics and Relevance. SRP. 2020; 11(6): 143-150. doi:10.31838/srp.2020.6.23

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Irina Popova, Sergey Shabunin, Yury Vatnikov, Sergey Yagnikov, Arfenia Karamyan, Nikolay Babichev, Svetlana Suslina, Alfiya Ibragimova, Alexey Shvets, Darya Radeva, Nikolay Sakhno, Valentina Semenova. Integral Intoxication Indices in Liver Diseases in Dogs: Clinical Characteristics and Relevance. SRP. (2020), [cited March 30, 2021]; 11(6): 143-150. doi:10.31838/srp.2020.6.23

Harvard Style

Irina Popova, Sergey Shabunin, Yury Vatnikov, Sergey Yagnikov, Arfenia Karamyan, Nikolay Babichev, Svetlana Suslina, Alfiya Ibragimova, Alexey Shvets, Darya Radeva, Nikolay Sakhno, Valentina Semenova (2020) Integral Intoxication Indices in Liver Diseases in Dogs: Clinical Characteristics and Relevance. SRP, 11 (6), 143-150. doi:10.31838/srp.2020.6.23

Turabian Style

Irina Popova, Sergey Shabunin, Yury Vatnikov, Sergey Yagnikov, Arfenia Karamyan, Nikolay Babichev, Svetlana Suslina, Alfiya Ibragimova, Alexey Shvets, Darya Radeva, Nikolay Sakhno, Valentina Semenova. 2020. Integral Intoxication Indices in Liver Diseases in Dogs: Clinical Characteristics and Relevance. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (6), 143-150. doi:10.31838/srp.2020.6.23

Chicago Style

Irina Popova, Sergey Shabunin, Yury Vatnikov, Sergey Yagnikov, Arfenia Karamyan, Nikolay Babichev, Svetlana Suslina, Alfiya Ibragimova, Alexey Shvets, Darya Radeva, Nikolay Sakhno, Valentina Semenova. "Integral Intoxication Indices in Liver Diseases in Dogs: Clinical Characteristics and Relevance." Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (2020), 143-150. doi:10.31838/srp.2020.6.23

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Irina Popova, Sergey Shabunin, Yury Vatnikov, Sergey Yagnikov, Arfenia Karamyan, Nikolay Babichev, Svetlana Suslina, Alfiya Ibragimova, Alexey Shvets, Darya Radeva, Nikolay Sakhno, Valentina Semenova. "Integral Intoxication Indices in Liver Diseases in Dogs: Clinical Characteristics and Relevance." Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11.6 (2020), 143-150. Print. doi:10.31838/srp.2020.6.23

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Irina Popova, Sergey Shabunin, Yury Vatnikov, Sergey Yagnikov, Arfenia Karamyan, Nikolay Babichev, Svetlana Suslina, Alfiya Ibragimova, Alexey Shvets, Darya Radeva, Nikolay Sakhno, Valentina Semenova (2020) Integral Intoxication Indices in Liver Diseases in Dogs: Clinical Characteristics and Relevance. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (6), 143-150. doi:10.31838/srp.2020.6.23

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