Isolation of Active Fractions and Evaluting its Antidiabetic Property By Estimating Enzyme Inhibitory Activity of Withanolides from Withania coagulans


Sumit Kumar Giri60062, Sakshi Vidya Sonkusare60063 and Nivedita Das60064*

In herbal medicinal systems, Withania coagulans (W. coagulans) has a well-established reputation for having significant biological potential. Different parts of the plant are used to treat different problems such as insomnia, liver problems, asthma, biliousness, and other conditions in addition to being reported to be sedative, emetic, diuretic, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, hepatoprotective, antihyperglycemic, cardiovascular, immuno-suppressive, and central nervous system depressant. The withanolides found in Withania coagulans have garnered attention in the scientific community because of the various medicinal uses that they have. The basic diabetes principle is the increased blood glucose in which starch is hydrolyzed into maltose by alpha amylase enzyme and maltose in glucose by alpha-glucosidase enzyme. Similarly, sucrose hydrolyses into glucose and fructose, these sugar units cause hyperglycemia when present in blood. The current work examines the chemical and biological evaluation of the W. coagulans acetone and n-hexane fractions and determine the anti-diabetic potential of Withania coagulans by calculating its enzyme inhibitory activity based on its antidiabetic and antiglycation potential.

As a result, this research provides a basis to extract the diabetic properties of W.coagulans in its pure form and provides the data that increasing concentration of inhibitors (Withania coagulans), the enzyme activity decreases.

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