Laparoscopic Surgery Compared to Open Surgery for Complicated Appendicitis


Hatem Mohammad Abd ElMoneim, Haitam Nureddin Mohammed Shames, Mahmoud Abdou Yassin Ahmed

Background: Laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) and Open appendectomy (OA) are two standard procedures to surgically remove appendix in acute appendicitis. nowdays, LA has been preferred over OA because of many benefits, for example, decreased wound infection, minimal pain, reduced hospital stay, minimize the cost of procedure. In the present study we aimed to investigate and clarify the efficacy of laparoscopic appendectomy in patients with complicated appendicitis as regard surgical techniques, operative time and hospital stay in young females.
Patients and methods: This retrospective study has been conducted in General Surgery Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, from March 2020 to September 2020. The study was conducted on 36 patients with suspected appendicitis.
Results: The operative time was significantly longer in the laparoscopic group (Group B) with mean time 84.6 minutes than open group (Group A) with mean time 54.2, P value was 0.0001. The Overall post-operative complications showed no significant difference between the 2 groups with PV=0.14. Also, Post-operative hospital stays, and time needed to return to normal daily activities were lower in the laparoscopic group (B) than in the open group (A) with P Value = 0.09 and 0.0002 respectively. Post-operative time interval for analgesia needed was significantly higher in the laparoscopic group (B) than in the open group (A) with P Value=0.0001.
Conclusion: Laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) constitutes a safe and feasible procedure for the treatment of complicated appendicitis and can be the first choice with no increase in postoperative complications.

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