Low Serum Sodium Level and Prediction of Febrile Seizure Recurrence


Monzer Azhari Mahgoub Farah49250* and Rahel G Mahari49251

Background: Febrile Seizure (FS) is one of the most common neurologic disorders in children. Electrolyte imbalance especially hyponatremia may have an important role in triggering the Febrile Seizure. The measure of serum electrolytes will be useful in predicting further seizures. This study aimed to investigate the effect of relative hyponatremia on the risk of recurrent Febrile Seizures.

Methods: This prospective study was performed on 115 children (6-60 months) with convulsions, at the pediatric department of Ibrahim malik teaching hospital. The serum sodium was measured immediately after abortion of seizures and each patient was followed for 24 hours for assessment of recurrence.

Results: Of the 115 children, 47 (40.9%) develop recurrent Febrile Seizures. Of those the majority were males 36 (76.6%) (p=0.01), 52 (45.2%) age less than 12 months (p=0.001), 26 (68.4%) have parents consanguinity (p=0.000), and were first born child 25 (53.2%). The mean serum sodium levels in patients with one and recurrent attacks, were 132.1, 136.1 meq/l, respectively (p=0.00).

Conclusion: The serum sodium level was ominously lower in the recurrence group compared to the non-recurrent group. Measurements of serum sodium levels and hyponatremia diagnosis have a key role in predicting the FC recurrence. Therefore, doctors should be careful during fluid administration to Febrile Seizure patients.

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