Maternal Characteristics and Perinatal Outcomes in Women with Severe Preeclampsia


Cipta Pramana, Kartika Budi Peranawengrum, Velisa Juliani, Citramas Laras, Ni Nyoman Harini Luxzi, Agus Supinganto, Nur Aini Staryo, Nurhidayah, Kholis Ernawati, Selasih Putri Isnawati Hadi, Giri Respati

Introduction: Preeclampsia is a major healthcare problem in Indonesia. Early detection and prompt treatment serve an important role in preventing complications caused by preeclampsia. Previous studies have described risk factors of preeclampsia with the majority of studies undertaken in developed countries. This study aims to evaluate the maternal characteristics and perinatal outcomes of patients with severe preeclampsia in Semarang, Indonesia.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study conducted in K.R.M.T. Wongsonegoro General Hospital Semarang. A sample of women with severe preeclampsia who were treated between January and December 2018 Were reviewed through medical records. Variables regarding maternal characteristics and perinatal outcomes were documented. Data were analysed with SPSS vs. 22.
Results: Most patients fall into the age category of 20-34 years. The majority were obese, multigravida and multiparous. Most patients delivered through cesarean section. Most patients had no prior use of contraception. Maternal history was significant for chronic hypertension. Two patients were admitted to the ICU due to severe hypoalbuminemia and impending eclampsia. Despite the high prematurity rate, most neonates fall into the normal birth weight category.
Conclusion: Preeclampsia remains a major healthcare problem in Indonesia. Indeed, there are some discrepancies in maternal characteristics in this study with previous studies. This suggests that maternal characteristics of patients with severe preeclampsia in Indonesia might be different from that of developed countries due to different population characteristics. This concludes that all women of all backgrounds should be screened during antenatal visits as this can aid in early detection and prompt treatment of severe preeclampsia.

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