Optimization of MSMEs Empowerment in Facing Competition in the Global Market during the COVID-19 Pandemic Time
Azhar Affandi, Sarwani, Akhmad Sobarna, Heri Erlangga, Ade Onny Siagian, Agus Purwanto, Aidil Amin Effendy, Denok Sunarsi, Widhi Wicaksono, Suyatin, Eti Ariyanti, Wahyitno, Cornelia Dumarya Manik, Juhaeri, Gunartin
The purpose of this study was to determine the optimization and how optimal the empowerment of MSMEs in facing competition in the global market during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses a descriptive exploratory approach using an approach to literature review or literature study, which refers to several sources, such as books, scientific journals, and the internet. All descriptions of existing ideas are combined in one arrangement of thought framework. The results of the research can be concluded, First, it is hoped that the Government will optimize the Empowerment of MSMEs during the Covid-19 Pandemic, with several alternatives in supporting the success of MSMEs to be able to realize the sustainability and development of their businesses, namely through providing convenience in the capital, availability of raw materials, relaxation and credit restructuring for UMKM, pay attention to computer technology infrastructure and provide training to MSME players. Second, if government policies are consistently carried out and evaluated periodically, it will have an impact on the success of MSMEs to compete in Facing Competition in the Global Market during the current Covid-19 Pandemic. As the research that has been done by researchers, MSMEs will soon recover if the government intervenes and policies that encourage MSMEs to be able to overcome problems during the current Pandemic. It is also recommended for MSME players to be able to market their products through digital marketing and present products with various innovations, creations, attractive packaging, and product differentiation of course.