Oral Glycine and L-Arginine Administration Attenuates Monosodium Glutamate Complications on Pancreas Structure in Albino Rats


Fatimah Qasim Mohammed Al-hayyali, Khabat Anwar Ali, Zrar Saleem Kareem

The current work endeavored to elucidate any histological alterations in pancreas islets tissue of rats meanwhile treated with the usually used food additive, Monosodium glutamate (MSG) were accurately studied. The rats (n=70), average weightiness of (240 ± 20) gm were randomly assigned into seven groups (n=10): control groups, others rats in the practice groups received 10 mg/200ml distilled water (DW) for each group of (glycine, l-arginine (ARG), MSG, glycine + MSG, ARG + MSG and the last group were combinations groups (glycine + ARG + MSG) for forty-five days. The rats were sacrificed after the latest date of treatments. A piece of pancreatic tissue was dissected out and fixed in 10% buffered neutral formal saline and prepared for usual stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). The histological findings after H&E methods for pancreas sections from various treatment groups showed varying degree of necrosis, apoptosis, hyperplasia, swallowing and hypertrophic in nucleus in the pancreatic islet cells as well as, irregularity in shape and hypertrophic in islet with hyperplasia in connective tissues, we can assume that MSG indication pancreas toxicity and tissue alteration in return to combination group which showed slightly normal architecture, in the shape and size of pancreatic islet and acini to control group. These conclusions confirmed that glycine and ARG may act as an antioxidant to prevent distortion affected by MSG consumption and may have some deleterious effects on the pancreas of adult Wistar rats which is reversible and does not lead to permanent infarctions, but the normal structure of the pancreas would need a long time to be regained. It is recommended that further investigations aimed at authenticating these findings be carried out

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