Masruroh Masruroh, Soetrisno Soetrisno, Mahendra Wijaya, Sapja Anantanyu
This research aims to describe the important of parental boarding of mother toward teenager girl to prevent early-age of marriage in
Ponjong District. This research is qualitative descriptive with data
analyzing using interactive model of Miles and Huberman. Technique of
data collecting in this research using interviewing, observation and
documentation. This research found that 1) the neighborhood subject of early-age marriage is in rural area which are still many fields, as well really silence due to residential area is still rare, 2) the lack of knowledge
about health reproduction on a person has early-age of marriage, this case happen since the level of education and the access of information
about health reproduction is still low therefore it cause the wrong
information or invalid information, 3) an early-age of married happens because they got pregnancy in out of marriage, 4) the lack of mother bounding toward the subject of early-age marriage since some of
parents more choosing to leave their family in outside area to earn a
living caused the communication or their control toward their children is
still less.