
Ariyati Retno Pratiwi53930*, Mohd Zobir Hussein53932, Feni Istikharoh53933, Zefri Zainal Abidin53934, Irma Istiqamah53935, Fadhillah Marzely53936, Salwa Jasmine53937 and Laura Naibaho53938

Objective: Therefore, this study aimed to determine the physicochemical characterization of Demineralized Freeze Dried Dentine Matrix Nanoparticle (DFDDM-NP) for enhance bone repair.

Materials and Methods: Human tooth were minced into particles (Ø<1 mm), demineralized and freeze dried. Thorough physicochemical and biochemical characterizations of native and demineralized freeze dried materials were performed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), and Thermogravimetric analysis/Derivative Thermogravimetry (TGA/ DTG).

Results:  For the physicochemical characterization, DFDDM-NPs appeared non porous structure, near spherical shapes of various size, and it appeared agglomerated nanoparticle of around 10-50 nm. DFDDM-NPS is type IV Isotherm and Hysteresis H3. The pore structure showed that 18 m2/g, pore diameter is about 5-3 nm. As 86%-99% DFDDM-NPs can be remaining and stable down to 1000°C.

Conclusion: DFDDM-NPs would allow the development of new bone graft. Further studies are recommended.

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