Protective Impact of Vitamin C Against Some Fetal and Neonatal Congenital Malformations and Anti-Inflammatory Non-Steriodal ?Induced Hepatotoxicity of White Rats


Dalal Abdel-Hussein Kadhim AL– Essawi, Ashwaq K. Abed, Wadad Yahya Hashem, Assel Said Ismaal Alhadad, Zainb Majid Mohammd

The current study was designed to demonstrate the protective impact of vitamin C against some fetal and neonatal congenital malformations and anti-inflammatory non-steriodal–induced hepatotoxicity in them of white rats ,this study was carried out in animal house of biology department in Education Faculty for Girls -Kufa university from 1/11/2019 to 15/3/2020, 24 white female rats with age ranged between (11-12) weeks and weights ranged between (230-240) kg, in adition to (24) white male rats with ages between (9-11) weeks for mating, the female and male rats were placed together for mating, after obtaining the required number of pregnant female rats, these pregnant rats were distributed to 4 groups , each group included 6 pregnant rats ,the group1 was treated with normal saline solution and was the control group, group2 was treated with indomethacin drug with a concentration of 8.40 mg / kg of body weight, while group 3,4 were treated with vitamin C with a concentration of 85 mg /kg of body weight and vitaminC with a concentration of 85 mg / kg of body weight + indomethacin drug with a concentration of 8.40 mg / kg of body weight respectively, pregnant female rats in all groups were treated orally from the first day of pregnancy, 3 pregnant rats were dissected during 20 days of pregnancy, while the remaining 3 pregnant rats were left to after birth of each group.
The results of the this study pointed to that a significant decrease (P <0.05) in numbers of total and living of the embryos for pregnancy period (20) days and newborns after birth, while a significant increase (P <0.05) in numbers of dead of the embryos for pregnancy period (20) days and newborns after birth, and the results showed pathohistological changes in livers of of the embryos for pregnancy period (20) days and newborns after birth in the group treated with indomethacin compared with control group and groups treated with vitamin C and vitamin C + indomethacin respectively , while the results demonstrated that a significant increase (P <0.05) in numbers of total and living while a significant decrease (P <0.05) in numbers of dead of the embryos for pregnancy period (20) days and newborns after birth in groups treated with vitamin C and vitamin C + indomethacin respectively comparing with the control group, while the study accounts did not show any significant differences( P> 0.05) in numbers of toal,livingand dead of the embryos for pregnancy period (20) days and newborns after birth in these two groups when compared between them , and there were no pathohistological changes in livers of the embryos for pregnancy period (20) days and newborns after birth in groups treated with vitamin C and vitamin C + indomethacin comparing with the control group respectively.

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