Reoccurrence of Old-World Screwworm in Coexisting with First Record of Lumpy Skin Disease in Cattle in Babel /Iraq: Clinical and Therapeutic Trial
Ayad N.D. Alhakim, Ahmed Kassem, Ibrheem Eryan Ibrhim
The study was designed to confirm the reoccurrence of old world screw worm in Babel province / Iraq concurrently with new recorded lympy skin disease in addition to therapeutic trial with commercial oils of colocynth and turmeric. The results showed that the infestation rate with skin myiasis caused by C. bezziana was 37.84% and the prevalence in females (47.66%) was higher than in males (29.72%). The highest infestation site was lesions of lympy skin disease (31.57%) followed by vagina (20.17%) , umbilicus (14.04%) , teeth (12.71%) and eyes (11.4%).In other hand the results of therapeutic trial revealed that the percentages of larvicidal activity of colocynth and turmeric oils were increased with time and concentration and there were approach 100% during 90 minutes ,while all larvae were completely dead at 120 minutes in different concentration used in present study.