Strategies to Improve Student Satisfaction Through the Quality of Online Learning Facilities and Infrastructure, Characteristics of Academic Staff, Lecturers Competence, and Good University Governance in Medan
Yeni Absah, Beby Karina, R.Hamdani Harahap.
In this era of the global Covid-19 spread, Indonesia is one of the countries affected in this pandemic problem. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on all sectors. One of the sectors affected is the education sector where the government makes an online learning policy. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of online learning facilities and infrastructure, characteristics of academic staff, competence of lecturers, governance of universities to the satisfaction of students in the city of Medan. The samples in this study were 250 students with purposive sampling and data processing methods using SPSS. Based on the results of the study, it is known that, simultaneously, the facilities and infrastructure of online learning, characteristics of academic staff, competence of lecturers, good university governance have a positive and significant effect on student satisfaction. Partially, the facilities and infrastructure of online learning, lecturer competence, and good university governance have a positive and significant effect on student satisfaction while the characteristics of academic staff negatively and insignificantly affect student satisfaction.